Our Events & Projects
In addition to our in-class programs, we like to get out there and meet as many folks as possible! Through community events, projects, and media, we work hard to spread the word about conservation and how we can all make a little effort to create BIG change. We also like to have fun, too!

Earth Friendly Holiday Event
One of our most famous events, this annual holiday crafting extravaganza features tons of earth-friendly craft making stations. FREE to all! Late November or early December.
Earth Challenge
This is an earth science-based event for Grade 7 students that includes educational displays, recycle art, and a Jeopardy-style conservation quiz based on our very own Earth Challenge guide that the students study prior to the event. So much fun! Held every year, on Earth Day.

Bikes, Skates, & Food For All
The Bikes for All & Skates for All projects provide a perfect example of how we can easily recover items often thrown away, and keep people active, too! Projects run from April through February, including the annual Bike Rodeo in early May.
CCCS runs a food reclamation project every year, gleaning unused crops from local farms during the growing season and distributing it among local charities. We harvest and store the crops in a root cellar built by CCCS volunteers in a local historic house, reducing food waste and feeding those in need!
Hydrology Trail
'The Conservation Society is pleased to announce the 'hydrology trail', in partnership with the Community Forest and the Pacific Salmon Foundation. This is a 45 minute easy walking trail around some small ponds in the Flat Rock part of the Community Forest. The trail has eight stops along the way highlighting the essential role that forests and trees play in the movement and regulation of the planet's water supply. This spring, the Conservation Society is offering class field trips with
activities to enhance the sign information. We are also developing a self-guided 'module' that teachers will be able to use with their classes on the trail.
To get to the Hydrology trail, turn R on Hodgson Rd off Highway 20. Continue on Hodgson approx 5 km. Turn right on Bysak Rd, and park in the gravelled parking area just beyond the hydro lines. The trailhead is on the right, leading into the forest.

Other Community Events
Here are just some of the other community events we either organize or participate in throughout the year: Family Fest (February), Aborginal Day (June 21), Horsefly Salmon Festival (September), World Water Day (March), Earth Day (April), Rivers Day, Children's Festival, Waste Reduction Week (October), Leaf Litter Pick-up program (October), Xeriscape and Golden Lawns programs, and more!