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History of the CCCS














In 2002, a priority was set in the area of parks/protected areas and watersheds. Since 2003, CCCS has produced the Regional Parks guide "Our Parks Our Heritage," now a 104-page production with over 250 photographs of the region's natural wonders. In 2006, our Watershed Health Education program, under the title Water Wise, focused on education promoting healthy watersheds, was initiated with an EcoAction grant and continues with funding support from the City of Williams Lake, the Province of BC Gaming, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Pacific Salmon Foundation. Our Sustainable Life Education - including ecosystems modules run at our regional outdoor school, Gavin Lake, and various outreach initiatives on sustainable living developed a sister program to Water Wise- initiated in 2010 by request of the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District, Waste Wise is supported by on-going funding for this educational program aimed at reducing waste, and supported through partnered initiatives such as Bikes for All, Skates for All and Leaf Litter Pick program initiatives.


The Water Wise Program


Water Wise, a project of the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society, aims to educate and empower Williams Lake and area to conserve water and become conscious of wastewater issues. The project was initiated in 2006 with support provided by Eco Action Canada, and contributions from local groups and individuals, Community Futures Development Corporation of the Cariboo Chilcotin, Endswell Fund, the Vancouver Foundation, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Gavin Lake Forest Education Society and the City of Williams Lake. In 2007 The City of Williams Lake formed a partnership with the CCCS and provided funding to keep the local Water Wise Program active within the City.


The Waste Wise Program


Waste Wise, a program of the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society,

aims to educate and empower residents in Williams Lake and the

Cariboo Regional District (CRD) to reduce waste and become

conscious of waste issues. The Program was originally initiated in

2010 with the City of Williams Lake. In 2011 the CRD saw the benefits

of the program in action and partnered with the Conservation

Society allowing Waste Wise to be expanded to any school in

SD 27 or 28 that has CRD students enrolled.



In addition to these core advisory roles and education programs, we also focus on engaging the broader community in various green-oriented projects and campaigns, in an effort to raise awareness and change behaviour to protect our region's awe-inspiring landscape, and create a more environmentally progressive urban centre. Check out our Community page for more info on specific events or  how to schedule an initiative at your work, church, business, or organization.




The Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society has been involved in the Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park Management Planning process over several years. The focus of CCCS is on Parks and Protected Areas, and the concerns regarding grasslands in our region was something they wished to work on. In 2008 BC Parks approached the CCCS to combine the series of signs into a concise kiosk. The Board approved this project, since the JSRP was viewed as a high priority area, being the home of the California bighorn sheep and numerous other grassland species, including several rare and endangered species. Originally designated as a Wildlife Management Area in 1975, the WMA was created through an exchange of lands with Riske Creek Ranching. In 1995 the Junction Sheep Range was legislated as a Class A Provincial Park.


Early in 2004 CCCS began a research project in collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, trapping for Interior Coho Salmon. The project was to identify the specific salmon within the streams in our region emptying into the Fraser River.  Over the three years of collecting research one thing was for certain: these streams were definitely feeling the impact of drought, some actually running dry by early June.  CCCS decided to address our watershed issues immediately.


In 2015 the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Invasive Plant Committee joined in partnership with the Conservation Society to effectively address invasive plant education within our region.



The Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society

has Representation on Several Boards:


  • Sits two members on the San Jose Watershed Planning group, which has a diverse membership of municipal, regional, non-profit and local ranchers working together for watershed health.

  • The CCCS held the environment seat on the Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition Board from its inception in 2005 until the seat was removed (December 2015). A community advisory group, this task force provides advice and funding for the region's action plan implementation. 


A Conservation Strategy: Maintaining Ecological Systems and Communities in the Face of Change



Originally formed in 1992, as the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Council, to represent conservation interests of the region at the Commission On Resources and Environment (CORE), the CCCC was very involved in the development of the Cariboo Chilcotin Land Use Plan, released in 1994. Incorporated as Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society in 1996, the CCCS continues to be involved in the public process.

Current & Past Projects


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Unit 102
197 2nd Ave North
Williams Lake, BC
V2G 1Z5

Our office is open:
Monday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Wednesday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm





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© 2022 created by the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society


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